About Immajust School

Choosing a school tailored to meet one’s educational needs and requirements is often challenging, tasking as well as personal. Immajust schools have been carefully developed to meet such needs of the modern mind. This mind goes beyond boundaries to seek for knowledge and upliftment.

Our school combines knowledge with discoveries and inventions to create new ideas. These ideas are meant to find solutions to extant challenges and create an enabling environment for all to achieve their set goals as well as equip them for an excellent future.

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our vision seeks to raise a unique breed worthy in character and learning, untied in passion for greatness. This is why we have gone the extra mile to provide a conclusive environment with world class facilities, ably trained teachers and global best practices to create a breed that stands apart in knowledge, skills and scholarship in Nigeria and beyond.

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All our teachers have attained requisite National and international trainings and certifications to ensure international standard. Our school is dedicated to the success of every student, we create a unique learning environment where students thrive by tapping into their strengths and are challenged to grow beyond their comfort zone.

Contact Us

Email Us: info@immajustschool.com
Phone: 0805976857874
Address: 24 Kpalukwu Street off Khana Street D/Line. Oroworukwu Town, Port Harcourt

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