Secondary Education

Growing Students into Successful Leader

Immajust secondary consist of excellent teaching and learning combined with discipline which are the bedrock of it existence. Our academic result puts us among the top schools in Port Harcourt.

We run an integrated montessori curriculum both at the junior and senior school. In the curriculum are the basic subject which will enable the students acquire knowledge and skills in which they can build. Our curriculum also expose students to resources that meet international standards as well as produce students who can compete globally.

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All our teachers have attained requisite National and international trainings and certifications to ensure international standard. Our school is dedicated to the success of every student, we create a unique learning environment where students thrive by tapping into their strengths and are challenged to grow beyond their comfort zone.

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Email Us:
Phone: 0805976857874
Address: 24 Kpalukwu Street off Khana Street D/Line. Oroworukwu Town, Port Harcourt

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